

To provide a broad curriculum at KS3 that encompasses more than the National Curriculum. Ensuring all our students have the opportunity to learn a breadth of science to prepare them for choices they might make in the future with regard to their education. Inspiring our students to have an interest in science and an understanding of how vast the subject is and how important the content they learn is for them as an individual. To develop their working scientifically skills in equal measure with knowledge, along with igniting engagement through the study of new scientific discoveries and developments.


Students to begin the GCSE science course, broadening their knowledge and building on prior learning from KS3. We are ambitious in providing the opportunity to all our students to complete Triple Science and equip them with the knowledge required for future study. We deliver a curriculum that involves a wide range of key scientific theories and discoveries promoting cultural capital. Activities that encourage character building and promote independence and resilience. Equipping students with the necessary knowledge and support to achieve outstanding GCSE results along with the option for further study in a science discipline.