Local Governing Body

Our Local Governing Body (LGB) plays a vital role in supporting and overseeing the work of the school.

Governors have many key responsibilities including overseeing school policies, the school budget and decisions regarding the curriculum.

Click here to see OIEA Current Members List – as at October 2024

Click here to see OIEA Historical Members List – as at October 2024

Click here to see OIEA Current Members Business Interests – as of October 2024

British Value Statement

The LGB at Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy helps steer the academy, establish its vision and ethos and challenge the staff to deliver the goals that are set. Our governing body is part of a team committed to improving the lives and future prospects of young people.

  • To challenge and support the Principal.
  • To oversee the Academy’s long-term vision, strategic aims, values, and ethos.
  • To carry out statutory responsibilities, such as safeguarding.
  • To agree and monitor plans and policies.
  • To make creative use of available resources.
  • To monitor and evaluate performance.
  • To be involved in the appointment of the Principal.
  • To ensure proper financial management of the Academy.
  • To communicate openly with parents, staff and the local community.

In accordance with Education Funding Agency (EFA) guidance and to ensure that we are compliant with academy financial regulations, the data below pertains to the appointment and service of each of our governors.

The Local Governing Body operates with two committees: Finance & General Purposes and Strategic Progress Board.

  • Mrs Helene Morland – Chair of Governors
  • Mr Simon Leach – Principal
  • Mr Jeremy Selwood – Community Governor
  • Mr Martin Stovin – Community Governor
  • Miss Sarah Henshaw – Community Governor
  • Mrs Wendy Disley – Parent Governor
  • Mr Keith Forrest – Parent Governor
  • Dr Stewart Laing – Staff Governor
  • Mrs Rachel Watson – Staff Governor

If you are interested in becoming a governor, please visit OAT Careers for more information.

To contact the Chair of Governors or Governing Body, please write to:

Mrs Helene Morland – Chair of Governors
c/o The Clerk to Governors
Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy
King George Avenue

Alternatively, email the clerk to the LGB at [email protected] or telephone the school reception on 0115 9303 724 and leave a message.

“Members of the governing body have a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities. They are ambitious for pupils and have a positive relationship with leaders. They challenge and support leaders, with a key focus on the curriculum and safeguarding.”

Ofsted, June 2024

Click here to see LGB Terms of Reference 2024-25

Click here to see OAT Scheme of Delegation 2024-25

Click here for Governors’ attendance statistics for the last academic year

Click here to see OIEA Schedule of Governors Meetings 2024-2025